$24,997 USD

  • by completing this checkout you confirm have had a meeting with Dr Olivia James and have been deemed to be a good fit for the mastermind program

  • If your level of participation is deemed to be subpar you may be asked to leave the group at the discretion of Dr. Olivia James. You will also be invited to leave if you breach the very important privacy policy of the Mastermind group (what happens in the Mastermind, stays in the Mastermind)

  • no refunds are offered on masterminds. I fully commit to your success and expect the same from you

  • You get out what you put in! Play full out and bring the best version of yourself!

  • I understand that this is a split investment option for the mastermind, with USD$24997 due at the commencement of the first year, and $14,997 due at the commencement of the second year.

TEPC Mastermind 2024


Split 'Em Up Investment: $24,997 USD (yr 1) then USD$14,997 USD (yr 2)


Advance and optimise your veterinary practice with a group of colleagues who desire success, happiness and business that serves their life in a structured 2 year business maximizer program.

Here's what you'll get:

🌟 Monthly Mastermind Momentum Meetings - with the same people in a high-level, facilitated group. Over the first 12 months we will cover the 13 critical areas you need to get right (and more importantly, we will hold you accountable for actually implementing your individual action plan for these). This will address the chronic and acute problems in your practice (the ones you don't even know are holding you back right now

🚀 Our signature FAST TRACK ACTION PLAN, with 3 meetings in the first 6 weeks so you can really get some traction and some fast results

🤝 a Progress Pal (buddy) to help keep you accountable and on track (because we do more for others that we do for ourselves!)

🌐 a Mastermind Connection Space (facebook group) where members can help and support each other. This is where the magic happens

🎯 guidance and accountability on Success Pathway Strategy to implement in the second year to really get to where you want to be the easiest and fastest way possible

📚 Learning Ledgers - summaries, key takeaways and action items from each of our meetings

🔍 Focused Growth Network - capped number of mastermind members to maintain that intimate, supportive feel

🎁  Business Mastery Pack - this is a surprise collection that will be shipped to your nominated address 

I can’t wait to see what 2024 and beyond will bring you, it is going to be simply spectacular.